Creating First Class, Cost Effective Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) For Healthcare

Overview Who will attend Trainer Case Studies Partners Venue Industry Insights Brochure Download Most SEA governments have been slow in addressing the need for significant investment in public hospital infrastructure and the public hospitals are often overcrowded and plagued with shortages of doctors, medical supplies and diagnostic equipment, which affects quality of healthcare. Additionally, hospital [...]

By | May 8th, 2018|Comments Off on Creating First Class, Cost Effective Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) For Healthcare

Creating First Class, Cost Effective Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) for Southeast Asia Healthcare

PPPs offer innovative and entrepreneurial approaches to provide services and facilities demanded for 21st century healthcare. The partnership approach emphasises generating quality healthcare rather than treating building infrastructure as an end in itself. The creation of strong partnerships is moving service delivery away from a project-by-project approach to partnership that includes strategic and policy developments...

By | November 22nd, 2017|Comments Off on Creating First Class, Cost Effective Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) for Southeast Asia Healthcare